HP Service UrmZiLuc Înloc Scanjet 7000s2, 5 ani U5X50E2.172,75 RONHP (U5X50E) HP Service UrmZiLuc Înloc Scanjet 7000s2, 5 anihpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP Service UrmZiLuc Înloc Scanjet 7000s2, 5 ani U5X50E
HP Service UrmZiLuc Înloc Scanjet 7000s2, 3 ani U1Q59E1.032,04 RONHP (U1Q59E) HP Service UrmZiLuc Înloc Scanjet 7000s2, 3 anihpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP Service UrmZiLuc Înloc Scanjet 7000s2, 3 ani U1Q59E
HP Service UrmZiLuc Înloc Scanjet 7000s2, 4 ani U5X49E1.629,51 RONHP (U5X49E) HP Service UrmZiLuc Înloc Scanjet 7000s2, 4 anihpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP Service UrmZiLuc Înloc Scanjet 7000s2, 4 ani U5X49E
HP 5y, NBD, Color PageWide E58650 U9DA8E7.684,38 RONHP (U9DA8E) HP 5y, NBD, Color PageWide E58650hpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP 5y, NBD, Color PageWide E58650 U9DA8E
HP 5y Nbd + DMR Color LJCP5525 Support UX880E8.710,07 RONHP (UX880E) HP 5y Nbd + DMR Color LJCP5525 Supporthpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP 5y Nbd + DMR Color LJCP5525 Support UX880E
HP 5y Nbd + DMR LaserJet M602 Support HZ489E2.801,64 RONHP (HZ489E) HP 5y Nbd + DMR LaserJet M602 Supporthpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP 5y Nbd + DMR LaserJet M602 Support HZ489E
HP 5y Nbd + DMR LaserJet M601 HW Supp HZ465E2.102,59 RONHP (HZ465E) HP 5y Nbd + DMR LaserJet M601 HW Supphpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP 5y Nbd + DMR LaserJet M601 HW Supp HZ465E
HP 5y Nbd + DMR LaserJet M603 HW Supp HZ618E3.727,88 RONHP (HZ618E) HP 5y Nbd + DMR LaserJet M603 HW Supphpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP 5y Nbd + DMR LaserJet M603 HW Supp HZ618E
HP 5y Nbd+DMR DsgnJt SD ProScanner HWS U5AC6E10.603,84 RONHP (U5AC6E) HP 5y Nbd+DMR DsgnJt SD ProScanner HWShpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP 5y Nbd+DMR DsgnJt SD ProScanner HWS U5AC6E
HP 5y NBD+max5 MaintKits LJ M725MFP Supp, LaserJet M725 U7A19E17.147,21 RONHP (U7A19E) HP 5y NBD+max5 MaintKits LJ M725MFP Supp, LaserJet M725 Multifunction printer, 5 yr Next Business Day Onsite HW Support, Preventive Mai...hpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP 5y NBD+max5 MaintKits LJ M725MFP Supp, LaserJet M725 U7A19E
HP 3y Nbd+max 3MK CLJ M577 MFP HW SVC U8TK2E7.741,68 RONHP (U8TK2E) HP 3y Nbd+max 3MK CLJ M577 MFP HW SVChpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP 3y Nbd+max 3MK CLJ M577 MFP HW SVC U8TK2E
HP 5y NBD+Max 5 MKRS LJ Clr M680MFP Supp, Color LaserJet U1ZQ7E24.820,32 RONHP (U1ZQ7E) HP 5y NBD+Max 5 MKRS LJ Clr M680MFP Supp, Color LaserJet M680MFP, 5 yr Next Business Day Onsite HW Support, Preventive Maint. w/Max 3 K...hpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP 5y NBD+Max 5 MKRS LJ Clr M680MFP Supp, Color LaserJet U1ZQ7E
HP 5y Nbd Chnl Rmt Parts LJ M604 Support, LJ M604, 5 year Next U8CP7E1.619,83 RONHP (U8CP7E) HP 5y Nbd Chnl Rmt Parts LJ M604 Support, LJ M604, 5 year Next Business Day Remote and Parts Exchange for Channel Partners Std bus hour...hpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP 5y Nbd Chnl Rmt Parts LJ M604 Support, LJ M604, 5 year Next U8CP7E
HP 5y Nbd Chnl Rmt Parts LJ M605 Support, LJ M605, 5 year Next U8CS8E2.401,42 RONHP (U8CS8E) HP 5y Nbd Chnl Rmt Parts LJ M605 Support, LJ M605, 5 year Next Business Day Remote and Parts Exchange for Channel Partners Std bus hour...hpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP 5y Nbd Chnl Rmt Parts LJ M605 Support, LJ M605, 5 year Next U8CS8E
HP 5y Nbd Chnl Rmt Parts LJ M606 Support, LJ M606, 5 year Next U8CL6E3.293,43 RONHP (U8CL6E) HP 5y Nbd Chnl Rmt Parts LJ M606 Support, LJ M606, 5 year Next Business Day Remote and Parts Exchange for Channel Partners Std bus hour...hpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP 5y Nbd Chnl Rmt Parts LJ M606 Support, LJ M606, 5 year Next U8CL6E
HP 5y Nbd + DMR LaserJet M604 HW Supp, LJ M604, 5 yr Next Bus Day U8CN5E1.536,69 RONHP (U8CN5E) HP 5y Nbd + DMR LaserJet M604 HW Supp, LJ M604, 5 yr Next Bus Day Hardware Support with Defective Media Retention. Std bus days/hrs, ex...hpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP 5y Nbd + DMR LaserJet M604 HW Supp, LJ M604, 5 yr Next Bus Day U8CN5E
HP 5y Nbd+DMR LJ M605 Managed HW Supp, LJ Managed M605, 5 yr Next U8HQ4E2.439,46 RONHP (U8HQ4E) HP 5y Nbd+DMR LJ M605 Managed HW Supp, LJ Managed M605, 5 yr Next Bus Day Hardware Support with Defective Media Retention. Std bus days...hpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP 5y Nbd+DMR LJ M605 Managed HW Supp, LJ Managed M605, 5 yr Next U8HQ4E
HP 5y Nbd + DMR LaserJet M606 HW Supp, LJ M606, 5 yr Next Bus Day U8CK4E3.135,86 RONHP (U8CK4E) HP 5y Nbd + DMR LaserJet M606 HW Supp, LJ M606, 5 yr Next Bus Day Hardware Support with Defective Media Retention. Std bus days/hrs, ex...hpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP 5y Nbd + DMR LaserJet M606 HW Supp, LJ M606, 5 yr Next Bus Day U8CK4E
HP 5y Nbd + DMR LaserJet M605 HW Supp, LJ M605, 5 yr Next Bus Day U8CR6E2.271,09 RONHP (U8CR6E) HP 5y Nbd + DMR LaserJet M605 HW Supp, LJ M605, 5 yr Next Bus Day Hardware Support with Defective Media Retention. Std bus days/hrs, ex...hpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP 5y Nbd + DMR LaserJet M605 HW Supp, LJ M605, 5 yr Next Bus Day U8CR6E
HPE 3Y FC NBD ML110 Gen10 SVC H9CG8E115,24 RONSale (H9CG8E) HPE 3Y FC NBD ML110 Gen10 SVCsalesenetic.roSimilar cu HPE 3Y FC NBD ML110 Gen10 SVC H9CG8E
Scanner HP ScanJet Pro 3600 f12.023,87 RONReducere. Scanner HP ScanJet Pro 3600 f1 20G06A Mărești productivitatea activităților de scanare profesionale cu HP ScanJet Pro rapid compact fiabil și conce...hp inc., imprimante & multifunctionale, scanereitarena.roSimilar cu Scanner HP ScanJet Pro 3600 f1
HP Service UrmZiLuc Înloc Scanjet 5000s2, 4 ani U0MF6E1.321,23 RONHP (U0MF6E) HP Service UrmZiLuc Înloc Scanjet 5000s2, 4 anihpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP Service UrmZiLuc Înloc Scanjet 5000s2, 4 ani U0MF6E
HP Service UrmZiLuc Înloc Scanjet 5000s2, 5 ani U0MF5E1.852,50 RONHP (U0MF5E) HP Service UrmZiLuc Înloc Scanjet 5000s2, 5 anihpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP Service UrmZiLuc Înloc Scanjet 5000s2, 5 ani U0MF5E
HP 5y, LaserJet M551 HZ630E1.806,81 RONHP (HZ630E) HP 5y, LaserJet M551hpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP 5y, LaserJet M551 HZ630E
HP 5y ChnlRmtPrt DsgnJt HDProScannerSupp U4PT0E12.062,86 RONHP (U4PT0E) HP 5y ChnlRmtPrt DsgnJt HDProScannerSupphpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP 5y ChnlRmtPrt DsgnJt HDProScannerSupp U4PT0E
HP 5y, Color LaserJet M577 MFP U8TK4E14.059,72 RONHP (U8TK4E) HP 5y, Color LaserJet M577 MFPhpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP 5y, Color LaserJet M577 MFP U8TK4E
HP 5y, Color PageWide Enterprise 586 MFP U9CZ5E7.666,99 RONHP (U9CZ5E) HP 5y, Color PageWide Enterprise 586 MFPhpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP 5y, Color PageWide Enterprise 586 MFP U9CZ5E
HP 3y Pickup Return NB SVC U1PS3E253,62 RONHP (U1PS3E) HP 3y Pickup Return NB SVChpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP 3y Pickup Return NB SVC U1PS3E
HP Svc Înlocuire standard Omni 10, 2 ani U7D06E225,45 RONHP (U7D06E) HP Svc Înlocuire standard Omni 10, 2 anihpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP Svc Înlocuire standard Omni 10, 2 ani U7D06E
HP Svc Înlocuire standard Slate 7, 2 ani U7D04E197,21 RONHP (U7D04E) HP Svc Înlocuire standard Slate 7, 2 anihpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP Svc Înlocuire standard Slate 7, 2 ani U7D04E
HP 5y NBDOnsite/ADP G2 Soltn incl MonSVC, Commercial NB ElitePad U7R46E4.170,60 RONHP (U7R46E) HP 5y NBDOnsite/ADP G2 Soltn incl MonSVC, Commercial NB ElitePad 1/1/0 warranty, 5 year Next Business Day Onsite, POS HW Solution Svc w...hpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP 5y NBDOnsite/ADP G2 Soltn incl MonSVC, Commercial NB ElitePad U7R46E
HP Support 3Y NBD U1H64E966,34 RONHP (U1H64E) HP Support 3Y NBDhpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP Support 3Y NBD U1H64E
HP Svc UZL Înlocuire avans Staţie andocare, 4 ani UJ392E100,63 RONHP (UJ392E) HP Svc UZL Înlocuire avans Staţie andocare, 4 anihpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP Svc UZL Înlocuire avans Staţie andocare, 4 ani UJ392E
HP Svc Înlocuire standard Slate 8/10, 2 ani U7R57E197,21 RONHP (U7R57E) HP Svc Înlocuire standard Slate 8/10, 2 anihpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP Svc Înlocuire standard Slate 8/10, 2 ani U7R57E
HP SVC returnare la depozit, soluţie MPOS, 3 ani U8UF6E1.299,22 RONHP (U8UF6E) HP SVC returnare la depozit, soluţie MPOS, 3 anihpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP SVC returnare la depozit, soluţie MPOS, 3 ani U8UF6E
HP SVC returnare la depozit, soluţie MPOS, 4 ani U8UF7E1.810,81 RONHP (U8UF7E) HP SVC returnare la depozit, soluţie MPOS, 4 anihpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP SVC returnare la depozit, soluţie MPOS, 4 ani U8UF7E
HP SVC returnare la depozit, soluţie MPOS, 5 ani U8UF8E2.309,78 RONHP (U8UF8E) HP SVC returnare la depozit, soluţie MPOS, 5 anihpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP SVC returnare la depozit, soluţie MPOS, 5 ani U8UF8E
HP Svc UrmZiLuc la sediu Soluţie incl Monitor, 3 ani U7R41E1.972,84 RONHP (U7R41E) HP Svc UrmZiLuc la sediu Soluţie incl Monitor, 3 anihpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP Svc UrmZiLuc la sediu Soluţie incl Monitor, 3 ani U7R41E
HP Svc UZL la sediu Sol inclusiv Monitor, 4 ani U7R42E3.057,61 RONHP (U7R42E) HP Svc UZL la sediu Sol inclusiv Monitor, 4 anihpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP Svc UZL la sediu Sol inclusiv Monitor, 4 ani U7R42E
HP Svc UZL la sediu Sol inclusiv Monitor, 5 ani U7R43E3.986,08 RONHP (U7R43E) HP Svc UZL la sediu Sol inclusiv Monitor, 5 anihpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP Svc UZL la sediu Sol inclusiv Monitor, 5 ani U7R43E
HP 4y, NBD, DesignJet T79X-44 U7Y88E4.911,27 RONHP (U7Y88E) HP 4y, NBD, DesignJet T79X-44hpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP 4y, NBD, DesignJet T79X-44 U7Y88E
HP 3y Nbd PageWide Pro 477 HWSupport U8ZW7E1.310,14 RONHP (U8ZW7E) HP 3y Nbd PageWide Pro 477 HWSupporthpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP 3y Nbd PageWide Pro 477 HWSupport U8ZW7E
HP 3y Nbd + DMR Color LJCP5525 Support UX963E4.355,01 RONHP (UX963E) HP 3y Nbd + DMR Color LJCP5525 Supporthpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP 3y Nbd + DMR Color LJCP5525 Support UX963E
HP 4y, NBD, Color PageWide Enterprise 556 U9CV8E2.398,66 RONHP (U9CV8E) HP 4y, NBD, Color PageWide Enterprise 556hpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP 4y, NBD, Color PageWide Enterprise 556 U9CV8E
HP 4y Nbd + DMR Color LJ M651 U1UJ9E3.344,74 RONHP (U1UJ9E) HP 4y Nbd + DMR Color LJ M651hpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP 4y Nbd + DMR Color LJ M651 U1UJ9E
HP 4y Nbd + DMR Color LJCP5525 Support UX899E6.492,06 RONHP (UX899E) HP 4y Nbd + DMR Color LJCP5525 Supporthpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP 4y Nbd + DMR Color LJCP5525 Support UX899E
HP 3year NBD + max3 MKRS CLJM880MFP Supp U8D26E19.159,86 RONHP (U8D26E) HP 3year NBD + max3 MKRS CLJM880MFP Supphpsenetic.roSimilar cu HP 3year NBD + max3 MKRS CLJM880MFP Supp U8D26E
Tastatura HP NSK-XR1BC neagra cu Palmrest negru si Touchpad iluminata backlit12 produsehp, piese laptop, tastatura laptop hp compaqElectroElectro.roToate Tastatura HP NSK-XR1BC neagra cu Palmrest negru si Touchpad iluminata backlit
Tastatura HP SG-48000-33A layout US fara rama enter mic16 produsehp, piese laptop, tastatura laptop hp compaqElectroElectro.roToate Tastatura HP SG-48000-33A layout US fara rama enter mic
Tastatura HP L48647-001 Argintie cu Palmrest Argintiu si TouchPad iluminata backlit10 produsehp, piese laptop, tastatura laptop hp compaqElectroElectro.roToate Tastatura HP L48647-001 Argintie cu Palmrest Argintiu si TouchPad iluminata backlit
Cressi Big Eyes Evolution & Alpha Ultra Dry Set pentru scafandri5 produsecressi, sporturi de apă, scufundări și înot, seturi de scufundări, clear yellowElectroElectro.roToate Cressi Big Eyes Evolution & Alpha Ultra Dry Set pentru scafandri
Incarcator pentru HP 776620-001 150W Old Shape ORIGINAL Delta Electronics8 produsehp compaq, piese laptop, incarcator laptop hp compaqElectroElectro.roToate Incarcator pentru HP 776620-001 150W Old Shape ORIGINAL Delta Electronics