Raft mobil Zpas WZ-5841-14-02-011, 19inch, 2U/455 (Gri)

Mackie 1402 VLZ4 Mixer analog imagine

Mackie 1402 VLZ4 Mixer analog

1.799,00 RON
Reducere. 14-ch Analog Mixer with 6 Onyx Mic Preamps, 4 x Stereo Channels, 2 x Aux Sends Per Channel, and 6 x Channel Inserts. Beyond sounding great, the Mac...
mackie, instrumente muzicale, sonorizare, mixere, mixere analogice, mixere până la 20 canale

Similar cu Raft mobil Zpas WZ-5841-14-02-011, 19inch, 2U/455 (Gri)

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