Reducere. Tehnologie wireless Tip multimedia Format tastatura standard (104-108 taste) Interfata tastatura Wireless (2.4 GHz) Taste numerice (keypad) da Tast...
Reducere. Dell Premier Multi-Device Wireless Keyboard and Mouse KM7321W US International (QWERTY) Wireless 2.4 GHz Bluetooth 5.0 Buttons Qty: 7 (5 are progra...
Reducere. Dell Pro Wireless Keyboard and Mouse KM5221W US International (QWERTY) Wireless 2.4 GHz Mouse Buttons: 3 (Middle click is programmable) Mouse Resol...
Reducere. Kit tastatura si mouse gaming, iluminata, USB, 104 taste, Rii Setul tastatura si mouse gaming este perfect pentru pasionatii de gaming! Atat tastat...